RMS completed the upgrade and overhaul of a customer’s DH single-stage centrifugal compressor, replacing the water seals with a dry gas seal alternative.
Rotating Machinery Services (RMS) partnered with a plastics manufacturing customer to upgrade and overhaul an AC compressor DH single-stage centrifugal compressor. The customer enlisted RMS’s services to replace the compressor’s water seals with dry gas seals. RMS conducted the engineering and build of the conversion process, including the control panel for the dry gas seal skid, compressor overhaul, dry gas seal installation, and pre-installation testing at the customer’s site. A spare seal housing and spare rotor were also supplied by RMS.
The upgrade to dry gas seals can lead to improved efficiency and operation. RMS began the conversion with a critical design and implementation of the dry gas seal control panel and dry gas seal skid. The engineering division led the design and manufacture of critical components to support the conversion at the customer’s site.
DH single-stage centrifugal compressor; Image Credits: Rotating Machinery Services
In order to support a smooth transition, RMS cooperated with the customer to overhaul the DH compressor and pull it from operation. Engineers successfully overhauled and upgraded the compressor unit with dry gas seals, as well as manufactured two new rotors for the machine. One rotor will be used for operation and the other will be used as a spare for this unit.
RMS performed the compressor overhaul at the company’s Pearland Works facility. The company tested the control panel at the customer’s site and completed a casing hydro test and gas leak test at RMS Pearland Works. Upon completion of the dry gas seal upgrade, RMS’s field service team worked at the customer site to finish the project in two phases. The first phase removed the older compressor skid from the site to make room for the upgraded unit. The second phase involved the installation of the new compressor, controls system, and dry gas seal panel. The RMS team also accommodated the site’s piping configuration to accept a drop-in replacement.