The Conference held in Budapest, Hungary offered detailed insights on technical advancements, case studies and interactive sessions for participants.
The long-anticipated Frame 6FA User Group Conference was recently convened in Budapest, Hungary, attracting a notable number of attendees who actively participated in comprehensive discussions and networked extensively. Participants were also offered a unique opportunity to visit the General Electric manufacturing and repair center in Veresegyhaz.
The GTUsers website provides information on the various webinars, conferences, and future meetings for those who were unable to attend this session.
User Day
The opening day was dedicated to end-users, showcasing engaging case studies and lessons learned, along with a dynamic Q&A session.
Two potential approaches to manage rotor life extension were presented: the first involves an analysis and overhaul of the original rotor, which may necessitate considerable downtime, whereas the second recommends a refurbished or new replacement rotor to minimize unit downtime.
Insights from users who operate a gas fuel DLN 2.6+ unit with backup Light Fuel Oil (LFO) were shared. The transition from gas to LFO and vice versa was successful, highlighting minor improvements needed for auxiliary systems, especially the flame detection and combustion dynamic monitoring system.
Details regarding compressor clashing during startup sequence and the condition of stator vanes and carrier rings as the fleet ages were also shared.
A discussion on the 6FA load gear, which is affected by various operating parameters like temperatures, speeds, oil quality and flow, load, and shaftline alignment, was presented. Proper inspections are important to determine and document the gear's condition.
Caption: 6FA Load gear barrelling issues were discussed. Credit: GTUsers.
Caption: There were many discussions about 6FA RLE and overhauled exchange rotor experiences. Credit: GTUsers.
GE Gas Power Session
In a dedicated session, GE addressed queries from end-users while providing updates on the latest technical developments, fleet status, and Technical Information Letters (TILs). Furthermore, GE arranged a visit to their workshop, including breakout sessions and a tour of the manufacturing and repair shop floor.
The conference covered multiple topics, including decarbonization and fuel flexibility for the 6FA DLN2.6, 2.6+, and new DLN EVO combustion systems, control system upgrades and cybersecurity, and Opflex opportunities.
A Q&A session, with questions collected from end-users in advance, concluded the event. GE experts addressed all inquiries, leading to comprehensive discussions and a deeper understanding of the topics presented.
Third-Party Presentations
The conference also welcomed presentations from several third-party service providers. MJB International highlighted the wide range of aftermarket maintenance, repair, and overhaul solutions it offers for the 6FA gas turbine fleet.
Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis presented on the repair and new manufacturing of DLN2.0 and DLN2.6 fuel nozzle assemblies with end covers. GTC Control Solutions discussed the role of an owner's engineer during a controls upgrade project.
Dekomte presented several case studies, including the transition of a 6FA gas turbine, where they efficiently installed a new expansion joint between the GT and HRSG, resulting in minimal outage duration and cost savings for the customer.
Additionally, several other third-party service providers, including Minimax, National Electric Coil, Trinity Turbine Technology, Emerson Controls, and Turbine Services Ltd., were present at the conference. During the Vendor Fair, end-users had the opportunity to interact with GE and third-party specialists.
Caption: End user day consisted of multiple end user presentations and discussions. Credit: GTUsers.
Caption: Vendor fair was running during breaks where vendors were able to present their services/solutions and answer end user’s questions. Credit: GTUsers.