Record orders for MAN Energy Solutions paper-industry vacuum systems
April 30th 2021MAN Energy Solutions’ paper-industry vacuum systems registered a record level of incoming orders in the tissue sector in the first quarter of 2021 where a total of 11 contracts were signed with customers across all global regions.
Newer-technology natural gas-fired generators are utilized more than older units in PJM
April 27th 2021Although all NGCC generators tend to increase or decrease utilization in response to changes in the price of natural gas, older units tend not to be used when natural gas prices rise because they are less efficient and more expensive to run than newer technology units.
Energy-saving gas turbines from the 3D printer
April 27th 20213D printing has opened up a completely new range of possibilities, including for example production of turbine buckets. However, the 3D printing process often induces internal stress in these components which can in the worst case lead to cracks. Now a research team has succeeded in using neutrons from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) research neutron source reactor for non-destructive detection of this internal stress – a key achievement for the improvement of the production processes.